Fiscal Analysis Services & Economic Development Incentives

Fiscal Analysis Services provides the General Assembly with "second-opinion" reviews of executive branch fiscal impact statements, fiscal impact reviews of executive orders, annual reviews of state spending, evaluations of proposed health insurance mandates, and special reports related to the state budget. Fiscal Analysis Services is also available to respond to ad hoc requests by General Assembly members and other legislative staff, as determined by the JLARC chairman or director. 

JLARC also is responsible for evaluating the state’s economic development incentives—grants, tax credits, sales tax exemptions, and other incentives  (authorized through continuing language in the Appropriations Act).  JLARC annually reports on all economic development incentives and produces in-depth studies on specific incentives.

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Economic Development Incentives

Reports on the effectiveness of Virginia’s economic development grants, tax credits, sales tax exemptions, and other incentives, and their economic benefits to the state.


K-12 SOQ Spending

Annually updated printed and interactive reports on spending on the K-12 Standards of Quality (SOQ).


Virginia Compared to the Other States

Printed and interactive report on 36 data measures ranking Virginia against all 50 states.


Fiscal Impact Reviews (FIR)

Reviews of executive branch fiscal impact statements and executive orders that are referred to JLARC by General Assembly committee chairs.


State Spending

Reports on state spending, spending on the K-12 Standards of Quality (SOQ), and special reports related to the state budget.


Racial and Ethnic Impact Statements (REIS)

Reviews of the potential disproportionate impact of proposed legislation on minority populations.


Internal Service Funds

Reports on the status of funds used to finance central services to state agencies.