Virginia Compared to the Other States
This annual JLARC reference guide, provided for Virginia legislators, illustrates how Virginia compares to the other states in such categories as state taxes and spending, education, health, and transportation.
Virginia Compared to the Other States: 2025 Interactive edition
The online version of Virginia Compared has been separated into subject areas for ease of navigation.
- Population size, economy, education, and health
- Population
- Percentage change in population
- Per capita personal income
- Per capita gross state product
- Annual unemployment rate
- Percentage of population living in poverty
- Percentage of population under age 65 with health insurance
- Infant mortality rate
- Percentage of adults age 25+ with at least a high school education
- Taxes and revenue
- Per capita state revenue
- Per capita local revenue
- State and local revenue as percentage of personal income
- Percentage of total state and local tax revenue from individual income tax
- Per capita state taxes
- Per capita local taxes
- Per capita state and local taxes
- State and local taxes as percentage of personal income
- State motor fuel taxes
- Government spending, debt, and employment
- Education costs and spending
- State and local per pupil funding, pre-K through 12
- State per pupil funding pre-K through 12
- Average salary of K-12 teachers in public school
- Average annual in-state tuition and fees at public 4-year institutions
- Percentage change in in-state tuition and fees at public 4-year institutions
- Higher education appropriations per FTE student
- Public assistance, transportation, and public safety spending