Health and Human Resources

Below is JLARC work specifically directed to address certain aspects of the state's health and human resources functions.

Recent work

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Virginia's State Psychiatric Hospitals

The Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission directed staff to review the inpatient psychiatric hospitals operated by the state.

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CSB Behavioral Health Services

Virginia’s CSB system is the state’s primary approach to providing publicly funded behavioral health services in local communities.

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Self-sufficiency and child care

This study focuses on Virginia’s TANF, SNAP, and Child Care Subsidy Program, as they are the only three programs with requirements designed to improve participants’ employment and earnings or that require participants to engage in work activities to receive benefits.

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Virginia Department of Health's Financial Management, Staffing, and Accountability

VDH administers a broad range of public health programs, from detecting, preventing, and mitigating communicable diseases to inspecting restaurants and drinking water sources, among many other responsibilities.

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Health Insurance Mandate Review: Audio-only telehealth HB1918/SB1157

A review of telehealth services for mental and behavioral health.

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Health Insurance Mandate Review: Proton Radiation Therapy HB 2206

A review of a new policy requiring insurance providers to cover proton therapy

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Health insurance mandate review: Prosthetics

A review of how new coverage mandates would affect the state's health insurance systems and health outcomes for disabled Virginians. 

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Health insurance mandate review: Donated human breast milk

A review of the safety and efficacy of expanding the availability of pasteurized human breast milk for low birth weight infants in the hospital setting.

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Oversight of mental health parity

A review of Virginia's oversight of mental health parity in Virginia. 

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Medicaid expansion

Oversight of the implementation of Medicaid Expansion, including eligibility determination, readiness to implement community engagement requirements, access to care for newly enrolled members, and analysis of enrollment and spending.

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Review of the planning and early implementation of the System Transformation Excellence and Performance initiative to improve Virginia's public, community mental health system. 

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Review of the Children’s Services Act and Private Special Ed Day School Costs

A review of the quality and effectiveness of CSA services and the factors driving increasing program costs.  

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CSB funding models

Review of all current funding allocations to Community Services Boards and research on alternative funding models used in Virginia and other states.

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Health insurance mandates

JLARC staff evaluate proposed health insurance mandates in support of the Health Insurance Reform Commission.