JLARC staff
The Commission employs a full-time staff. The staff director is appointed by the Commission and confirmed by the General Assembly for a six-year term of office. Click for more contact information.
Hal E. Greer | Director | hgreer@jlarc.virginia.gov |
Justin C. Brown | Senior Associate Director | jbrown@jlarc.virginia.gov |
Tracey R. Smith | Associate Director | tsmith@jlarc.virginia.gov |
Kimberly A. Sarte | Associate Director for Ongoing Oversight and Fiscal Analysis | ksarte@jlarc.virginia.gov |
Kate Agnelli | Senior Legislative Analyst | kagnelli@jlarc.virginia.gov |
Lauren Axselle | Chief Legislative Analyst, Project Leader | laxselle@jlarc.virginia.gov |
Sanitha Barrett | Fiscal and Administrative Assistant | sbarrett@jlarc.virginia.gov |
Erik Beecroft, PhD | Chief Methodologist | ebeecroft@jlarc.virginia.gov |
Sarah Berday-Sacks | Senior Legislative Analyst | sberday-sacks@jlarc.virginia.gov |
Jamie Bitz | Chief Legislative Analyst for Ongoing Oversight | jbitz@jlarc.virginia.gov |
Drew Dickinson | Chief Legislative Analyst, Project Leader | ddickinson@jlarc.virginia.gov |
Hannah Garfinkel | Associate Legislative Analyst | hgarfinkel@jlarc.virginia.gov |
Elizabeth Gibbs | Business Manager / Fiscal Officer | egibbs@jlarc.virginia.gov |
Mark Gribbin | Chief Legislative Analyst, Project Leader | mgribbin@jlarc.virginia.gov |
Tess Hinteregger | Senior Legislative Analyst | thinteregger@jlarc.virginia.gov |
Kate Hopkins | Senior Legislative Analyst | khopkins@jlarc.virginia.gov |
Madison McCaffrey | Associate Legislative Analyst | mmccaffrey@jlarc.virginia.gov |
Joseph McMahon | Chief Legislative Analyst, Project Leader | jmcmahon@jlarc.virginia.gov |
Ellen Miller | Chief Economic Development and Quantitative Analyst | ejmiller@jlarc.virginia.gov |
Stefanie Papps | Chief Legislative Analyst, Project Leader | spapps@jlarc.virginia.gov |
Mitchell Parry | Senior Associate Legislative Analyst | mparry@jlarc.virginia.gov |
Jessica Sabbath | Managing Editor | jsabbath@jlarc.virginia.gov |
Scarlett Saunders | Senior Associate Legislative Analyst | ssaunders@jlarc.virginia.gov |
Nathan Skreslet | Information Graphics Designer | nskreslet@jlarc.virginia.gov |
Sarah Smith, PhD | Methodologist | ssmith@jlarc.virginia.gov |
Martha Tyler | Research Associate | mtyler@jlarc.virginia.gov |
Brittany Utz | Senior Legislative Analyst | blutz@jlarc.virginia.gov |
Laura White, PhD | Senior Associate Legislative Analyst | lwhite@jlarc.virginia.gov |
Dillon Wild | Senior Legislative Analyst | dwild@jlarc.virginia.gov |
Christine Wolfe | Senior Legislative Analyst | cwolfe@jlarc.virginia.gov |
Kerrie Zabala | Associate Legislative Analyst | kzabala@jlarc.virginia.gov |